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Students of International Trade

Advanced Training Program in International Trade

Senior Technical Officer in International Trade

  • The Nebrija Institute for Vocational Training offers you the possibility of studying one of the degrees that generates more than 300 billion euros in Spain: Senior Technical Officer in International Trade.
  • This is a sector that, due to globalization, currently needs qualified profiles.
  • You will be able to train to work as an International Trade Technician, interacting on a daily basis with different countries, markets and agents.
  • Practical education with a project-based methodology.
  • Take advantage of our agreements with the most representative companies in the sector to carry out internships.
  • You can continue your studies by accessing different Bachelor's degrees such as Marketing, and Corporate Communication, Protocol and Event Organization.

CAM, MEC and
2nd Chance Scholarships
These are compatible with our study grants More information

Nebrija Study Grants: ◦ Up to 20% discount face-to-face

Area:Commerce and Marketing

Methodology: ◦ Face-to-face (Madrid) + Internship in companies

Duraction:2000 hours
(2 academic years, including Work Center Training)



If you want to get a head start in the future... choose to get there faster! Study for an Advanced Vocational Training Program in International Trade at Nebrija.

This Program of the Nebrija Institute for Vocational Training will turn you into a professional who can:

  • Plan and manage the import and export processes of goods.
  • Plan and manage the introduction and dispatch processes of goods.
  • Development of international marketing plans for entry into foreign markets.
  • Manage tasks that guarantee the international transit or transport of goods or travelers between different countries and modes of transportation.

Curriculum of the Advanced Training Program in International Trade of the Nebrija Institute for Vocational Training:

The professional modules of this Advanced Training Program are the following:

First Year

  • 210 h | Administrative management of international trade
  • 210 h | Economic and financial management of the company
  • 160 h | English
  • 120 h | Storage logistics
  • 210 h | International freight transport
  • 90 h   | Training and career counseling

Second Year

  • 55 h   | Digital international trade
  • 120 h | International financing
  • 145 h | International marketing
  • 100 h | International payment methods
  • 100 h | International negotiation
  • 80 h   | Market information system
  • 30 h   | International Trade Project

TOTAL: 2000h


    The professional, personal and social competences of this degree are:

  • Carry out the necessary steps for the creation and start-up of a commercial company, planning and managing the obtaining of the necessary financial resources that ensure the company's economic and financial profitability.
  • Obtain, analyze and organize reliable information on international markets, applying the appropriate techniques, and establish an effective information system (SIM), which serves as support in international sales operations.
  • Make decisions about the entry of a company's products in the foreign market, selecting the most appropriate product, price, communication and distribution policies for entering said markets.
  • Prepare a marketing plan, selecting the basic information or product briefing, analyzing the relationships between the different variables that intervene in the international marketing mix for entering foreign markets.
  • Identify and contact customers and suppliers, managing international commercial contracts and controlling and supervising the development and evolution of sales, to ensure compliance with the agreed contractual conditions.
  • Carry out the administrative management of import and export operations and introduction and dispatch of goods.
  • Carry out the financial management of international trade operations, determining the costs and managing the adequate coverage of the risks that are generated, to guarantee their economic viability; develop the process in a safe way for the company and prepare the necessary documentation to obtain credits linked to purchase and sale operations and international projects and tenders, applying current regulations.
  • Organize the storage of merchandise in conditions that guarantee its integrity, and optimal use of the means and spaces available, in accordance with established procedures.
  • Carry out the administrative procedures that guarantee the international transit or transport of goods and/or travelers between different countries and modes of transportation, and control the documents required in each case, verifying that they comply with the current applicable regulations and received specifications.
  • Manage the means of collection and payment and international guarantees and warranties, completing and analyzing the necessary documentation in accordance with the conditions established in international commercial contracts based on current international regulations.
  • Communicate fluently in English, both verbally and in writing, with all operators and organizations involved in international trade operations.
  • Use the Internet, and any other digital system, as an advertising platform and a showcase that is open to the world, facilitating sales to any national or international client.
  • Adapt to new work situations, keeping up to date on scientific, technical and technological knowledge related to the professional environment, managing their training and existing resources in lifelong learning, and using information and communication technologies.
  • Resolve situations, problems or eventualities with initiative and autonomy within their competence, with creativity, innovation and a spirit of improvement in their personal work and that of other team members.
  • Organize and coordinate work teams responsibly, supervising their development, maintaining smooth relationships and assuming leadership, as well as providing solutions to group conflicts that may arise.
  • Communicate with their peers, superiors, clients and people under their responsibility, using effective means of communication, transmitting the appropriate information or knowledge, and respecting the autonomy and competence of the people involved in the field of their work.
  • Generate safe environments in the development of their work and that of their team, supervising and applying the procedures for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks, in accordance with the provisions of the company's regulations and objectives.
  • Supervise and apply quality management, universal accessibility and "design for all" procedures in the professional activities included in the production or service provision processes.
  • Perform basic management for the creation and operation of a small business, and take initiative in their professional activity with a sense of social responsibility.
  • Exercise their rights and comply with the obligations derived from their professional activity, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, actively participating in economic, social and cultural life.

Career Opportunities

Work as:

  • Foreign trade technician.
  • Foreign operations technician for financial and insurance entities.
  • International trade administration technician.
  • International trade assistant or deputy.
  • International trade agent.
  • International marketing technician.
  • International digital marketing technician.
  • International sales technician.
  • Assistant to the department of international trade operations.
  • Freight forwarder.
  • Shipping agent.
  • Logistic operator.
  • Warehouse manager.
  • Transport logistics technician.
  • Logistic coordinator.
  • Reverse logistics technician.

Continue studying:

  • Direct access to study any other advanced training program, under the established admission conditions.
  • Direct access to studies leading to university bachelor's degrees, including those from Nebrija University, under the established admission conditions.
  • Recognition of credits for the university bachelor's degrees, according to government regulations.
University Bachelor’s Degree Recognized*
Business Creation, Administration and Management (C-ADE) 42 ECTS
Journalism 40 ECTS
Advertising and Public Relations 42 ECTS
International Relations 30 ECTS
Economics and International Business 36 ECTS
Marketing 30 ECTS
*These recognitions may be modified when a new curriculum is presented.